Most Asked Questions When Visiting Our Pleasant Hill Pawn Shop

We Want You to Have a Pleasant Pawn Shop Experience With Us

If you’ve never been to a pawn shop, you likely have questions and maybe even a few concerns. It’s not as intimidating as it’s often depicted on television and in the movies. Pawn shops provide quick cash or loans in exchange for quality merchandise. It can be more straightforward than requesting a loan at your local bank and easier to find a buyer for your items than going to an auctioneer. Below, Pleasant Hill Coin & Jewelry Exchange answers some of our most frequently asked questions. We want our customers to have the best possible experience at our Pleasant Hill, CA pawn shop. Learn more about the buying and selling process and how to get the best value for your items.

Pleasant Hill Pawn Shop

Why Do People Prefer Pawn Loans vs. Traditional Bank Loans?

Many people prefer going to their local pawn shop for a loan instead of a traditional bank or lending institution because it’s less complicated. No credit check is required, meaning your credit score will not be held against you. It’s also a more convenient process, with the loan being granted right after the item’s evaluation. At Pleasant Hill Coin & Jewelry Exchange, we offer our customers pawn (or collateral) loans. You bring in items of value, and we hold them as collateral until you pay off your loan. It’s as simple as that. Whether you need money to pay off your bills or you want to downsize your collections, we make the buying and selling process quick and easy!

How Do Pawn and Collateral Loans Work?

Pleasant Hill Coin & Jewelry Exchange offers low-risk, short-term pawn loans for up to four months. California closely regulates all loan rates and terms, but APR interest rates generally vary based on the item’s collateral value and the loan length. You bring in items of value, and we evaluate them. We then hold your items as collateral until you’re ready to repay the loan and reacquire them. There aren’t any penalties for not paying back a pawn loan according to its terms, except you forfeit the items used as collateral. If you’re not interested in a loan, we can also buy items outright for fast cash in your pocket.

How Does a Pawn Shop Calculate an Item’s Value?

Pawn shops have professional brokers on staff to evaluate each item’s value and offer a fair price. They will assess the item’s approximate market value based on the brand, make, model, condition, age, and other factors. You likely won’t receive the item’s retail market price because pawn shops need to turn a profit as much as any other small business. However, you won’t have to wait to find a buyer or secure a bank loan upon approved credit.

Is It Better to Pawn or Sell Jewelry?

Jewelry is one of our areas of expertise. We accept and evaluate various jewelry types, ranging from diamond rings to necklaces, earrings, bracelets, wedding sets, and more. Pawning jewelry allows you to secure immediate payment without impacting your credit score. You won’t have to find a private buyer or risk your safety by meeting up with said buyer. Our Pleasant Hill pawn shop is licensed and regulated by local, state, and federal government agencies for your peace of mind and protection.

We can issue you a collateral loan or pay you cash for your fine jewelry. Before deciding whether to pawn or sell your jewelry, it’s best to have an idea of its worth to give you more bargaining power. Jewelry will fetch a higher amount if it’s clean and in attractive condition. However, even if it’s broken, damaged, or unfashionable, our pawn shop will still offer you a fair price. Can a private buyer say the same? Pawning versus selling jewelry is generally hassle-free and convenient.

Is it safe to leave my jewelry on loan at a pawn shop?

We recommend leaving your property in loan at a shop that has taken every measure possible to keep customers property safe. At Pleasant Hill Coin & Jewelry Exchange we have a time-locked bank vault on premises which we keep time-locked closed during business hours. In case of an emergency while we are open, no one can be forced to open the vault because of the time-lock. Vault security is leaps and bounds greater than traditional jewelry safes. Because of this added security, if you leave a loan item with us, you will need to call at least one day in advance when you intend on paying off and picking up your loan. When we are closed, we will pull your loan from the vault and put it in a holding safe for your scheduled pick update.

Contact Us With Any Additional Questions

What else can we help you with at Pleasant Hill Coin & Jewelry Exchange? Don’t hesitate to contact us or view our frequently asked questions for additional information about how our pawn shop works!